Friday, October 4, 2024

America never won a war


America has never been the winner of a war. It has lost every conflict it entered as well as credibility because of the lies the military has been spreading. It had Colin Powel lying about “weapons of mass destruction” when there was nothing there. They probably saw him heading to the white house and set him up to fail after being the first Black US secretary of state whose leadership helped to shape America foreign policy with integrity and success before 9/11. Then it claimed to have destroyed ISIS, which it created, but ISIS is still around and doing damage to Afghanistan and Pakistan and other nations.

America is backing a murderer and criminal Netanyahu who is killing innocent women and children.  Hamas and Hezbollah aren’t going anywhere as long as Israel keeps stealing their land, freedom and existence. Russia is doing the same thing to Ukraine and America is supposed to be supplying Ukraine with weapons to do the same thing the Palestinians are doing to protect their freedom and country. However it was all talk because Ukraine never got the proper ammunitions to defend its territory.

Genocide Joe should think twice of getting America involved in a war it cannot win and will see a great decline in it world power. All he has to say to Netanyahu is “back off” or I will not supply you with the bombs you are using to kill children and women in the Middle East. His actions may help Pussy Cat Donald to regain the US presidency.

How can he complain about Iran supplying Hamas and Hezbollah with ammunition to defend them when he is giving Israel bombs to kill Palestinians? He talking out of two side of his body: His mouth and his arse and the same thing are coming out in each area.  He did an excellent job for America after COVID but his legacy will only show his actions in supplying bombs to Israel to destroy the Palestinian people.

There will never be peace for Israel and the Palestinians because of the step Britain, France, and many other nations took to clear the Palestinians from their lands and allow the Israeli to occupy it. Israel is like China that doesn’t allow other nationalities to enter and live in their country. These people are treated as second class and not allowed freedom; they are pushing for their people, in other countries.  That’s one reason why China will never gain world leadership, unless or until it goes the way of Alexander, Hitler and other dictators who wanted to rule the world.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

America has lost its hold on world power


Each time there is a school shooting the Americans say, “Never Again”, but it does happen again. They gave all poor reasons on how to tackle the problem, that never worked because they were never implemented. One easy solution is to control guns in the hands of people. This second amendment they keep preaching about was started hundreds of years ago, after a civil war. Yet they keep using it kill children and other folks today when all the states are united. 

America is a sick nation that brags about being the most powerful nation in the world today. Yet it doesn’t have the man power and war machine to help other friendly nations. It doesn’t have the tools that Ukraine needs to defend its territory. And that gives Putin the upper hand to destroy the Ukraine territory and population.

The American military lost its hold on world power when it falsely invaded Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. No young American wants to join the military. They realize and are aware of the false statements the presidents and his military arse suckers have been preaching.  

The false claim that the war in Gaza is close to an end has the news media questioning the military about its false statements. Israel cannot destroy Hamas. The war is creating the avenue for more folks to join Hamas. Until and unless the Palestinians are brought to the table there can be no peace in the Middle East.

I recently learned what Zionism is all about. The purpose was to destroy the Palestinians people and take their lands. The world said nothing and did nothing because they backed the plan. How can America blame Iran of supplting the Palestinians with weapons when it's doing the same thing with Israel?

Today we keep hearing about the six hostages killed. Yet Israel is bombing Gaza daily, killing children and women. Then there is talk of bringing the hostages home, but not a word about ending the war. There is no way they can have their cake and eat it to!  

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Where is CARIBANA heading

I looked at the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY of CAG on its Website and started seeing some potholes. Then there is mention of when Canada abolished slavery, as if that was the reason for Caribana’s entry into lives of Caribbean people, who were residents of Toronto in 67. CAG has lost the vision of what CARIBANA is all about. During this year Carnival festival, CTV claimed the festival started in 67 because of the abolishment of slavery in Canada. These false claims have us believing “we have lost that loving feeling” for our festival and are taking the festival way out of its route and into a gully. 

I believe CAG must go back to the original name CCC (Caribbean Cultural Committee), because there is nothing I have seen so far, on its website that relates to Carnival Culture.  

Caribana was not started as an ART group, and I see nothing that links Caribana to ART.  

Art may play a part in designing costumes, but that's not what started people playing MAS in the late 1800 hundreds in T&T, Grenada and SVG. The Govenor's in these islands tried to clamp down on the celebration but failed because the black people rebelled against the attempt to stop them.  

Several other Caribbean islands only started Carnival festivities after they saw the money that the event generated from tourism. The islands of Jamaica and Barbados took more than one hundred years to include carnival on the islands, so neither can claim carnival as part of their culture because the festival did not start on these islands because of the abolishment of slavery.   

The various levels of government will always control FMC because FMC has no plans to look at the events that once had the festival earning its own funds.  

I know from day one the government blocked the organization from having functions and events to make money. Their first refusal was a raffle that the 67 organization was looking at. Then the boat rides became city control after many years.  

I recently saw where they are now trying to get more boats to take people to the islands. I can remember when CCC had to cancel the Center Island event because people had to wait hours to get there.  

CAG does not have a plan to retake the festival or start one on its own. The reason: it does not have the backing of the Caribbean community and doesn’t know what attracts them.  

Even though FMC controls the ingredients that cover the festival (the King and Queen, and the parade) it still lacks the knowledge and resources to run previous CCC events. The very successful Kiddies parade does not raise enough funds for the organization.  

The only idea that has some merit is that which wants FMC to use the name Caribana. This can and will keep the name alive and reintroduce the "Miss Caribana Pageant", if FMC works with CAG. 

Today other ethnic groups use July to stage their events, pushing Caribana off the stage. Soon the name Caribana will disappear, unless and until the week before the parade is reclaimed, and Caribbean events introduced: Pan food and soca are the ingredients for this come-back plan.  

Many of the people on CAG board lack the skills and knowledge to take or bring back the festival to the Caribbean community. The name CARIBANA is slowly sinking in the mud and will soon disappear. Soon the name will disappear from the vocabulary of young people. 

There is still an opportunity for CAG if it tries to reintroduce the “Miss Caribana Pageant”, by working with FMC. Then it can look at staging a show “The Night of the Stars” on the Friday Night before the festival.  They can bring in Soca artists with very popular songs from several islands to perform. There can be a youth tenor pans competition where the youths' players use DJ background music to get the congregation dancing and singing along. This would take care of the steel pan section of the festival. I am sure this event will attract more than 30,000 people. Tickets sold at $50 or $60 can bring in more than $1million ($1,500,000) 


The board should also have members looking at different plans to revive and rebuild the organization using CCC. The word “ART” took the festival out of the Caribbean people's vision. Caribana was and is part of the Caribbean people’s culture.  

Finally: why are Indians controlling the security for the festival? How can FMC or some folks complain that the government doesn’t support black Caribbean businesses and entrepreneurs. Indians have taken over many businesses in Canada. You go into the banks, Canadian Tyre, Bell, Rogers, KFC and they are all controlled by Indians. Even the condo where I live is controlled and manage by Indians. They don’t allow any other nationalities in the puppy hole.  

They were after CCC for many years when we had the T-shirt design competition. One guy would come from Montreal to see who won the competition then flood the street and shops with our T-shirt design product.  

If we leave the door open, they will come in like they did in T&T, where the police rounded up black people from other islands and shipped them out. Meanwhile the Indians brought their people to the island and soon they outnumbered the black population that was there before “Indian Arrival Day”.  

Please correct me if any of my observations are incorrect. I do make mistakes, but I am never wrong. I am putting this info on my BLOG where you can reply to it, or you can check me out on Facebook. 



Saturday, January 13, 2024

China will move on Taiwan in 2024

I am proud to see SVG come out in favour of South Africa position. I was never a Mandela supporter. His vision for South Africa and all of Africa was way off base.  

South Africa know the effect apartheid has on a population and that’s why it had to stand up for the Palestinians who have endured this terrible situation for more that 70 years with the support of the US, UK and several EU countries.  

The reason for this support to let their Jewish citizen move to Israel and occupy the lands that Israel usurped from the Palestinians. This is one reason why so many foreign Jews were captured by Hamas. On the other hand, the government of Israel don’t show any emphasis for returning the hostages because they are Jews from the US, UK and some EU nations. 

It's ironic that those same nations are working against Russia for doing the same thing that Israel is doing in Gaza and the West Bank. Which opens the Pandora box for China to invade Taiwan. America will be unable to support or help Taiwan when China makes it move, because it is occupied in wars in too many other countries. I am predicting that China will make its move in 2024 and Taiwan must be prepared to go it alone.  

America has taken the wrong side of the Gaza issue in not asking Israel to stop killing children and women. Meanwhile the men stay alive to become part of the new Hamas. How can they accept the behaviour of Israel and continue to live when their siblings, wives, children, fathers and mothers were killed by the terrorist Israel nation with its apartheid behaviour with the help of Apartheid Joe.

America has lost its position as the world popular and most honest nation with its support of Israel. Today it's a divided nation that has a previous president trying to become it first dictator. Donald Trump will turn the US into another Russia, China and North Korea constituency. All ruled for life by dictators.

Joe has to go! He started out very well, but the Gaza situation has destroyed his legacy.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Gaza chaotic problem for America

 The Democrats in the US are dissatisfied with Joe Biden, yet they cannot name who can and should replace him to beat Donald Thump. 

They don’t have to look very far to see who should and can replace Old Joe. Hillary Clinton can do it. She whipped the pants off Donald and can and will do it again. They should hold on to Joe until April or May next year and then open the gates to Hilary. Meanwhile her name should be mentioned to take some strain off Joe who is really suffering from unnecessary attacks on him, his son and his age. 

Let Hillary choose a black woman to be her vice-president and that will close the gap between black voters and white voters.  

Right now, Joe is on his way out and so is America as the world's most famous and powerful nation. America stole Palestinian land several years ago and the gave it the ammunition to destroy the Palestinian society and kill its people.  

For years they have given Israel money and guns to hunt and kill any Palestinian who voiced their objection to their plight. Now the chicken is coming home to rouse. They may get rid of the name Hamas, but the chaos created will be there for many years and so will be the aim and objective of the younger population to obtain freedom.  

If Israel refuses to return to the 1967 plan of a two-state system, then it should be eliminated by any means necessary.  

America doesn't have the manpower to defend itself and Israel. Most or all the nations controlled by dictators have armies that outnumber the American units by thousands. The young people will not go to war created by old men in congress. They have learned and seen what happened to their fathers, uncles, siblings when George Bush falsely accused Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction.  

Why is America still in the Middle East? All it’s doing is supplying ammunition to the area to continue unnecessary conflicts. China saw the opportunity to help some areas worldwide with means to upgrade their economies. It hasn’t been supplying arms to grow crops and help the population live normal lives. Its objections are still questionable, but it’s far more welcoming to these nations than the America way. 

When China is ready to move on Taiwan America will not be able to respond, just like the argument it uses for the Ukraine war. It has no boots to put in any war, even if its homeland is attacked.  

Friday, October 20, 2023

Are we seeing the ingredients of a WORLD-WAR3



What goes around comes around! Hamas has finally reacted after several years in Israel’s Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Biden has it wrong and Putin has it right when he said the solution is a two-state solution.

Biden is now talking about silence when he remained silent when and after Israel stole the Palestinians lands. Now he has placed American in danger worldwide. No one will respect American just like it happened before.

They travelled as Canadians then, now Canadians are also in danger after Trudeau opens his big mouth supporting what Israel is doing In Gaza. We still must remove our shoes when travelling on a plane, now we may have to remove our drawers as well.

America has lost all credibility worldwide. It can’t support Ukraine war with Russia and turn a blind eye to what the Palestinians have been going through for decades. All those white European countries also are supporting Israel. I am yet to see the crimes Israel claimed Hamas did to its people.

There is already a backlash against supporters of Israel worldwide and this can and will continue for years.

America doesn’t have the manpower to get involved in war worldwide and at home. The war in Congress is still taking place before and after January 6th.


America was once the world’s superpower now it’s on the way out – just like Rome many decades ago. We need another world war to get nations back on track and let the people decide their destiny, instead of those dictators and politicians whose only interest in the next election is to stay in power.


There are no safe places in this world today. The criminal politicians have done this to their people and the people are now paying for it.

I didn't realize that the American congress was Jew-ISK until the crisis with Hamas brought it to the surface. Now criminal Netanyahu is inviting Biden to Israel to help keep him out of jail. This is dangerous for Americans and Biden should stay in the White House. Biden is sending the wrong message to the world when he visited Israel. There was no reason for him to visit Israel during this chaotic session. 


For decades the EU nations were backing Israel. They said nothing and done nothing while Israel was killing Palestinians and stealing their land. The reason is, Israel is following the same route those countries took in Africa, Asia and many nations. India had to fight like hell to get rid of Britain. France tried to colonize the world by taking over many countries and is paying for those criminal adventures.


After many years the chicken is coming home to rouse. Hamas has had enough and is striking back. Trying to take Hamas out may only affect a limb; However Toussaint who was fooled by Napoleon had it right when he said taking off a limb still leaves the root of the tree.  

I often wondered why congress said nothing when Netanyahu started claiming Palestinian lands and sent regular army folks to the West Bank where they murdered young Palestinians.  

These youth were defenseless and only had what David use to kill Goliath. However, Hamas had weapons and will use it to defend their territory. Even though America complained that Iran supplied Hamas with weapons it also supplies Israel with weapons to. So where is the beef! 

The world is finally coming to the aid of the Palestinians after watching how they were treated for more than half a century.