The Democrats in the US are dissatisfied with Joe Biden, yet they cannot name who can and should replace him to beat Donald Thump.
They don’t have to look very far to see who should and can replace Old Joe. Hillary Clinton can do it. She whipped the pants off Donald and can and will do it again. They should hold on to Joe until April or May next year and then open the gates to Hilary. Meanwhile her name should be mentioned to take some strain off Joe who is really suffering from unnecessary attacks on him, his son and his age.
Let Hillary choose a black woman to be her vice-president and that will close the gap between black voters and white voters.
Right now, Joe is on his way out and so is America as the world's most famous and powerful nation. America stole Palestinian land several years ago and the gave it the ammunition to destroy the Palestinian society and kill its people.
For years they have given Israel money and guns to hunt and kill any Palestinian who voiced their objection to their plight. Now the chicken is coming home to rouse. They may get rid of the name Hamas, but the chaos created will be there for many years and so will be the aim and objective of the younger population to obtain freedom.
If Israel refuses to return to the 1967 plan of a two-state system, then it should be eliminated by any means necessary.
America doesn't have the manpower to defend itself and Israel. Most or all the nations controlled by dictators have armies that outnumber the American units by thousands. The young people will not go to war created by old men in congress. They have learned and seen what happened to their fathers, uncles, siblings when George Bush falsely accused Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction.
Why is America still in the Middle East? All it’s doing is supplying ammunition to the area to continue unnecessary conflicts. China saw the opportunity to help some areas worldwide with means to upgrade their economies. It hasn’t been supplying arms to grow crops and help the population live normal lives. Its objections are still questionable, but it’s far more welcoming to these nations than the America way.
When China is ready to move on Taiwan America will not be able to respond, just like the argument it uses for the Ukraine war. It has no boots to put in any war, even if its homeland is attacked.