The following is a letter I penned in March 2008 to send to the SVG newspapers. I don't believe I got around to sending it. I recently came across it and decided to publish it. May be some one would relay this info to the SVG government. There is something else SVG nationals can do. We can all invest in a company that would supply solar or wind power to the island.
This is a great way to create employment for many people and at the same time generate some funds. You can make an investment for your children/grand-children, so that they would still have some connection to the island. This venture will reduce the electricity cost to all home owners on the island. It will also save the government a bundle because of the reduction of oil for the electrical generator.
The editor:
I have tried to get Vincentians involved in solar energy for a several years now. All I hear from them - including my brother - is electricity is expensive. Yet they do nothing about it, except to complain. I don’t think they have any reason to complaint now. It’s time to act. All it takes is a few neighbours to get together and raise the money to generate electricity for their homes.
I am sure the bank will give them the fund based on the loans to enhance their properties. They would never have to worry about the price of oil, and the money they pay to the government will go towards something they own.
Eggy Richards was the first to seriously look at solar energy some years ago. I hope some one else will pick up the torch and carry it. The resources are there, all that’s needed is to harness the product.
As a matter of fact the government should seriously start looking at wind power. There is enough wind on the Windward side to generate electricity for the entire island.
I hope to see your editorials doing just what this document wants to accomplish: Enlightening the population and the government.